Controversy Surrounding Maccabi

 Controversy Surrounding Maccabi Tel Aviv

Maccabi Tel Aviv Basketball team is one of the most successful and well-known basketball teams in the Euroleague, the team has a large and dedicated following. However, in recent years, the team has been caught up in many controversies and has been the subject of many news headlines. In this post, we will explore the various controversies that have surrounded Maccabi Tel Aviv.

Political Ties

One of the main controversies surrounding Maccabi Tel Aviv is its political ties. The team has been accused of having close ties with the Israeli government, and some have claimed that the team is used as a tool to promote political agendas. In 2014 when Maccabi was playing a European Champions League game in Turkey against Galatasaray. The game was stopped due to political tensions between Turkey and Israel, and Maccabi Tel Aviv was forced to play the rest of the game without its fans in the arena. This sparked outrage among many in the Israeli community, who felt that their team was being unfairly targeted. This controversy has led to protests and calls for a boycott of Maccabi Tel Aviv games by various groups. 


Racism has also been a source of controversy for Maccabi Tel Aviv. The team has been accused of promoting a culture that is hostile to non-Jewish players. This has led to a number of incidents on and off the court and has sparked a public debate about the role of sports in promoting diversity and inclusivity. During a EuroLeague match against Crvena Zvezda in January 2021 several Maccabi Tel Aviv players made offensive gestures and comment towards the opposing team and its fans, which led to widespread criticism and calls for action from the EuroLeague. The EuroLeague eventually fined Maccabi Tel Aviv and issued a statement apologizing for the behavior of its players.


The finances of Maccabi Tel Aviv have also been a source of controversy. The team has been accused of not being truthful about its financial reports, and some have claimed that the team has used its financial power to gain an unfair advantage over other teams. In 2021, reports emerged that the team had used fraudulent means to evade taxes, leading to investigations by Israeli government authorities. Although the team has denied the allegations, the controversy has raised questions and concerns about the integrity and behavior of Maccabi Tel Aviv.


Despite these controversies, Maccabi Tel Aviv remains one of the most successful and respected basketball teams in Israel and Europe. They have a strong following of fans who support the team through it all. However, the controversies surrounding Maccabi Tel Aviv show that there is still work to be done in terms of ensuring that the sport remains free from political interference.

How could the Euroleague prevent things like corruption and political interference from happening, should they turn to other leagues like the NBA for guidance on governance? How might the new implementation of a players association help some of these matters?


  1. Very interesting post, you have created here. I remember when we went to go watch FC Barcelona play Tel Aviv in basketball and Barcelona fans were waving the Palestinian flag which is 100% wrong. If that were to be seen or occur in the United States fines and suspensions would be given out. I think something would have to be done by either fining the team or putting a band on fans to stop these kinds of problems.

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking when creating this post. I found it crazy how hostile that environment was and how nothing was done.

  2. Couldn't agree more @Charlie Rutherford! The flag was in the background of some camera shots, this would never happen in the United States. This can be seen as racist and anti-semitic remarks, the EuroLeague should take a page out of the NBA's book and be on the forefront of anti-racism political statements. As both leagues support a diverse culture of players and audience and have the ability to install thoughts of inclusion to the world.

    1. I think the league should have fined the team for the way their fans were acting out even though it wasn't the teams fault, fining them may ramp up security at games to prevent things like this from happening. Would you agree, or does this occur too often for the league to start handing out fines?

    2. @Harrison I think the team needs to handout fines as they are deemed "Dysfunctional Fans." They don't really serve a purpose toward the betterment of Tel Aviv, only as a distraction and hinderance toward sponsors wanting to invest Tel Aviv.

  3. The question you have prompted about turning to the NBA for guidance is a tough one. The main difference between the NBA and EuroLeague is of course in the NBA it is different cities not countries like EuroLeague. Playing against different countries holds a lot more weight due to political ties and long- standing bias some places might have against each other. I wonder if EuroLeague could take an example of a strong player association from the NBA and transfer the structure to a multi- international league.

    1. You bring up an interesting point here in how these countries hold a lot more weight in regards to bias and politics. It would definitely be a challenge for these players to address not only their teams but the country they are playing for. Lots of these players are foreign to the country they are playing in so would people even listen to them?

  4. Your question is very intruiging. I think that a preventive measure that the Euroleague could implement is possibly a players association, such as the NBA has, that would ensure Euroleagues players rights are protected and serve as a avenue for players to report their grievances. - Lilly

    1. I agree that this would be the most effective measure for change around the league. Lauren brought up a great point in a comment earlier that these players are representing a whole country and not just a city or state like the NBA, I wonder how the players would respond to something like what occurred at the Barcelona game, an issue with a long standing bias and something that has much history around it.

  5. Wow, it's unfortunate that the team has been at the center of so many controversies. It takes the conversation away from basketball and the performance of the team. It's tough for fans to have to deal with this kind of stuff and sometimes it makes it hard to defend your fandom. For example, if I was a Cleveland Browns fan, I don't think I could stick with the team after they signed Watson. Nothing here is as bad as that, but still, it's hard to emotionally invest in a team embroiled in controversy.

    1. I completely agree, it makes it tough to defend your team when they are constantly caught in controversy especially when its as severe as Maccabi.

  6. This post is very eye opening, as I had no clue Maccabi has been involved in so many scandals! The implementation of a players' union could be very beneficial as it would give anyone the platform to speak up on issues of racism or overall injustice. Additionally, it would be a good idea to turn to the NBA for guidance because it is the biggest basketball league in the world and has experience dealing with issues.

    1. I couldn't believe it myself either that a team that big could get away with so much. I think maybe even teaming up with the NBA for guidance somehow could be a great idea and would be beneficial for both leagues.

  7. Maccabi is a very popular and heavily covered team. I'm glad you are shining a light on some of the things that Maccabi has done that don't include the positive sides of a strong fan base, successful program and competitive style of play. In relation to the point about their political ties, do you think it is ever okay for a team to have political ties? Typically, when we hear about sports teams being politically involved (or even the athletes being involved with certain movements) things get messy. Do you think that the problem with the Maccabi scandal is that they were tied to a political agenda that isn't accepted by the majority public, or do you think it doesn't matter what kind of politics they are tied with and that they shouldn't be tied with any?

    - Fenerbache (Alec Riggle)

    1. I think its important that sports and politics steer far clear of each other no matter the political agenda. Its unfair not only to the team but as the league as a whole, it tampers with the team and league image. Athletes standing up for social issues is totally acceptable but for example when the president of Iran threatened the families of the world cup team if they didn't sing the national anthem is totally unacceptable.

  8. It is super unfortunate that they are involved with these these issues. This was an informing read, though, it sheds light on a lot of new information to me. It is so concerning that the team has been accused of having political ties and promoting a culture of hostility towards non-Jewish players. The issues surrounding the team's finances also raise questions about its integrity and behavior. It is important that sports remain free from political interference and promote diversity and inclusivity. It is encouraging to see that the Euroleague has taken action in response to the controversies surrounding Maccabi Tel Aviv, and I hope that steps will be taken to prevent similar issues from arising in the future. Additionally, the could look to the NBA here for some assistance, the NBA has a strong system of governance, including a players association that helps ensure fair play and transparency. Do you think adopting some of the NBA's governance strategies could help prevent issues like this from continuing?

    1. Without a doubt, I think the adoption of a players association would be very beneficial for the league. Giving the players an opportunity to speak and being able to hear from their perspective of the issues would change and help a lot around the league.

  9. Matthew Andelsman

    I think that it is very unfortunate that politics get mixed up with sports. Many people look to sports as a place that they can go without worrying about political or world issues. I think that the Maccabi Tel Aviv fans and players feel that they are doing a good thing by representing their country because Israel has been a place that has dealt with many issues over the years. They are also not the only fans in the Euroleague that are unnecessarily bringing politics onto the basketball court as we saw the Palestinian flag being flown by Barca fans when we were at the game. I also wouldn't say the Tel Aviv fans were not at fault as well because they countered by flying the Spanish flag to the Catalonian flag. Overall I feel that a message would need to be sent by the league to the fans and the players that these acts of racism are not okay. I think a players association can help with this as players can voice their concerns to the league about why this is happening and how they can prevent it.

    1. I agree, its something that happens all around the league and is not just centered around one specific team. I think a players association would be most effective for change, having the fans hear directly from their players would have more of an influence over the league or owner speaking out.

  10. What an interesting post, especially due to the fact that as mentioned above when we went to see FC Barce play against Maccabi Tel Aviv, Palestinian flags were being waved and their were certain sections with blatant tension/shouting back and forth. I think that instilling a players association will certainly benefit the Euroleague given the usefulness that it has proven for the NBA and adds another perspective aside from the owners to shine light on important issues. Creating a collaborative environment between players and owners of different teams will likely reduce tension by creating a more united forefront.

    1. Creating a collaborative environment should be at the top of the leagues priorities. Its important players and owners feel like they have a voice that can be heard and would add perspective when it comes to these controversies. Euroleague must turn to other well run leagues like the NBA to look for guidance on how to control these matter.

  11. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the controversies surrounding Maccabi Tel Aviv. It is indeed unfortunate to see a successful team caught up in such issues. In terms of preventing corruption and political interference, the Euroleague can learn from the governance structures and practices of other leagues like the NBA. They could also consider implementing more rigorous financial reporting requirements and oversight mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability.

    1. Completely agree with your take here and maybe even bringing in a third party overseer of financials somehow would ensure no one would partake in financial abuse. I think having some sort of strict penalties like UEFA has for football would also be very effective in preventing any cheating of sorts.

  12. Wow, I loved learning more about this team and especially its controversies. I remember seeing a lot of the Tel Aviv fans at the FC Barcelona gave and the things they were doing were very unfortunate. It is more unfortunate that such a successful team has to deal with. I believe it must start with the team though. If the team players speak about the matter and its consequences, I believe it would be more powerful. A lot of players speak about matters , and they first start with the fans themselves. They need to straighten the community.

    1. Completely agree with your take on more power to the players. I think they would have the most impact in regards to change of behavior for their fans. You see it a lot in the NBA and how vocal their players are.

  13. This is a very interesting post as there has not been many other teams in the EuroLeague that have gone through this many controversies in the last couple of years. Do you think that the implementation of stricter financial fair play laws would help aid the finance corruption that has allegedly happened at Maccabi. Do you think that all of these controversies have affected the performances of the team on the court over the last couple of years? I feel as though it will definitely have an affect on the team as playing in stadiums without your own fans will definitely affect the players emotionally.

    1. I definitely think the implementation of stricter financial play laws would decrease the corruption surrounding the Euroleague. Although it really comes down to ownership and I think people will always try and find loopholes in the system. As for the affect on players, I think it does have an impact on them mentally, they don't wanna be known as that team around the league that carries a bad connotation with them.

  14. This is a great post, I was not aware of the many controversies that Tel Aviv has gone through. To further discuss the political issues in the EuroLeague, when I was at the FC Barcelona game against Tel Aviv, I noticed a lot of Palestinian flags being waved. It seems as though there are many teams in the league who could be fined for inappropriate fans. I think the league needs to become more strict on these sorts of controversies to discourage teams and fans from going back and forth with offensive actions. - Zack Korbin


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